Pastoral References
Evangelist George Hurt is an anointed, passionate speaker whom we have had minister in Lafayette a number of times.
God has gifted Evangelist Hurt to build faith and expectation in those he preaches to.
He also is used in the gifts of the Spirit which deeply ministers to guests and members alike.
He has always presented the Gospel with love and compassion as he reaches for souls.
Evangelist Hurt would be a great addition to your church's schedule as you open your congregation to the five fold ministry.
Derald Weber
Sr. Pastor
The Pentecostals of Lafayette
January 2012, we devoted ourselves to 21 days of fasting from sunrise to sunset, “ said Bro Mitchell. “ This coupled with two prayer meetings each day. At the close of the first week of fasting and prayer , we invited Evangelist George Hurt who ministered powerfully in prophetic giftings . During the next three weeks , multitudes of tumors disappeared, healed, and many were baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. It was possibly the best 30 days in the history of our church.
Pastor Dan Mitchell
The Sanctuary
The Kingdom of God was designed to demonstrate power. That is what George Hurt Ministries represents, Kingdom demonstration, deliverance, healing and breakthrough. We have the Hurt's minister at CRC on a quarterly basis. If someone needs the Holy Ghost they will get it. If someone needs healing, they will experience it, if it's time to operate in the discerning of spirits he does it. We recommend this ministry to any Pastor or ministry that striving to go to the next level.
Pastor | Founder Michael I. Otano
Christian Revival Center